Industrial Heat Exchanger
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Researchers from Tsinghua University and Brown University have discovered a simple way to give a major boost to turbulent heat exchange, a method of heat transport widely used in heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.
In a paper published in Nature Communications, the researchers show that adding a readily available organic solvent to common water-based turbulent heat exchange systems can boost their capacity to move heat by 500%. That's far better than other methods aimed at increasing heat transfer, the researchers say.
Other methods for increasing heat flux—nanoparticle additives or other techniques—have achieved at best about 50% improvement, said Varghese Mathai, a postdoctoral researcher at Brown and co-first author of the study, who worked with Chao Sun, a professor at Tsinghua who conceived of the idea. What we achieve here is 10 times more improvement than other methods, which is really quite exciting.

KeyWords Tag:Pillow plate heat exchanger


via「Google News search」:

Researchers from Tsinghua University and Brown University have discovered a simple way to give a major boost to turbulent heat exchange, a method of heat transport widely used in heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.
In a paper published in Nature Communications, the researchers show that adding a readily available organic solvent to common water-based turbulent heat exchange systems can boost their capacity to move heat by 500%. That's far better than other methods aimed at increasing heat transfer, the researchers say.
Other methods for increasing heat flux—nanoparticle additives or other techniques—have achieved at best about 50% improvement, said Varghese Mathai, a postdoctoral researcher at Brown and co-first author of the study, who worked with Chao Sun, a professor at Tsinghua who conceived of the idea. What we achieve here is 10 times more improvement than other methods, which is really quite exciting.

KeyWords Tag:Pillow plate heat exchanger

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